Imparting the Art of Practical Psychotherapy
Consider these instances:
- You’ve completed a course in psychology/psychotherapy, but unable to comprehend how to turn your theory into practice;
- You’ve a fair concept of counselling but lack in the necessary skills to run your own practice;
- You’re face-to-face with your client. You try to compose how to begin, but all you get is a thought block. You discover that you’re more nervous than your client;
- You find difficulty in moving beyond empathy and unconditional acceptance;
- You meticulously work with your client to identify a definite goal, but all you get is a big I-don’t-know overlying strong resistance to change;
- You discover that the model of counselling that you have been using does not seem to work effectively for some clients;
- Of late you feel too much stressed in counselling profession and fear that you’re heading for burnout;
Such challenges may painfully remind you of your professional inadequacy. How you wish you had some specialized training to deal with them!
And then, you have learnt certain don’ts of counselling. For instance, don’t strongly suggest to a client; don’t confuse clients’ mind; don’t express something opposite of what they want; don’t exacerbate clients’ problems… Do you know that these very don’ts can be used as advanced therapeutic techniques?
These are some reasons why I am offering this training course, IMPART, in order to impart the art of practical psychotherapy, for the first time in India!
The Purpose:
The purpose of the IMPART course is to impart the practical aspects of psychotherapy and counselling to practitioners, thereby help them develop a creative and eclectic approach of their own. This is expected to result in increased confidence to practice psychotherapy and thereby promote the licensed practice of psychotherapy in India more vigorously – much like the present-day doctors having their clinical practice!
- First Time in India
- Six-month course in Practical Psychotherapy Training
- Five 3-day workshops, held monthly
- Practical teaching for at least 120 hours
- Online activity for at least 6 months
- Intensive practice sessions in small groups
- Monthly review meetings
- An optional exam
- A certificate of participation after each workshop; a certificate on successful completion of the course
- Opportunity for Supervised Training
- Location of workshops: Bangalore
- Fee: Rs. 5000 per workshop plus respective Online Activity for a month; or, Rs. 20,000 one-time payment for entire course: Save Rs. 5000!
- Seats available: 40 only
- Registration deadline: 15th November 2013
- First workshop begins: 22nd November 2013
It was attended by 32 aspirant psychotherapists – at least 12 of them were MSCP graduates from Kuvempu University. More interestingly, two of the participants held a PhD and are in distinguished places in the Department of Psychology in Universities. To know about their experiences, see IMPART ’13 Testimonials
The IMPART course comprises of the following:
- Workshops:
It comprises of five monthly workshops, each run for three full days, on the 3rd or 4th weekend of every month. The training method is practical and interactional. Cognitive, creative, experiential and impactful approaches are used. Slides, exercises, brain storming, fish-bowl activity, discussions, demonstrations, role plays, small work group sessions and viewing of videos will occupy most of the time. Working with actual clients will be demonstrated whenever available.
Each session starts with a briefing of a theoretical perspective, followed by description and illustration of its techniques; you’ll have the opportunity to practice and master them with personal guidance from me and/or one of my trained associates. - Online Activity:
There is online activity throughout the program involving distribution of preparatory and follow up material, workshop related discussion and interaction, and blogging about helpful resources that include the literature from authentic sources, case studies, vignettes, and relevant audio-visual clippings. Members can post their queries, get clarifications and interact with the resource persons and other members.
- Study Groups:
At the end of the 1st workshop the participants will be divided into groups of 3-5, and assigned homework which generally involves a case to work on and the practical challenges they may face. The group will meet periodically and practice the techniques in order to develop individual skills. About a week before the next workshop all groups will meet at a common venue and exchange notes. In the end, they will be demonstrated appropriate method/s of dealing with the case while everyone participates in the process. Thus working in small study groups becomes a very powerful tool of learning practical psychotherapy.
- Assessment of Participants:
At the end of each workshop a worksheet will be given to each participant in order to note their understanding and experience of the topic/s. While there are no strict criteria for evaluation, these worksheets will be considered to assess the overall progress.
- Certificate:
Those who have successfully participated in individual workshops will be issued certificate of participation at the end of each workshop.
- Examination:
About a month after the last workshop an examination will be conducted at Bangalore. However, appearing for this examination is entirely optional, and not a part of the curriculum. Only those who have attended a minimum of four workshops will be eligible to appear for the examination. Successful candidates will be eligible for a Certificate of Completion of the IMPART Practical Psychotherapy Course.
- Supervised Training:
When you pass your exam successfully and fulfill certain stipulated criteria, you are qualified to apply for supervised training. Your training would involve you handling therapy sessions with actual clients under supervision of a senior therapist.
The following topics are planned to be included in the course:
- Basic Therapies and Existential Approaches:
Advanced use of basic skills & interviewing techniques; Yield Theory; Metaphor Therapy; Person Centered Therapy; Existential Psychotherapy; Mindfulness.
- Cognitive and Behavioural Approaches:
Behaviour Therapy; Cognitive Behaviour Therapy; Rational Emotive Behaviour Therapy; Reality Therapy; Transactional Analysis.
- Experiential Approaches:
Gestalt Therapy; Experiential Hypnosis; Impact Therapy; Redecision Therapy; Psychodrama.
- Psychodynamic Approaches and Brief Therapies:
Ego-State Therapy; Time-Limited Psychodynamic Therapy; Brief Therapy; Creating a Therapy, Eclectic Approach.
- Systemic Approaches:
Couple Therapy; Emotionally Focused Therapy; Family Systems Therapy & Differentiation.
- Online Activity:
This will start approximately one week prior to the first workshop and will continue for at least one month after the last workshop in the series.
- How long is the IMPART program? How is it structured?
- I do not possess a qualification in psychology or any other mentioned in your eligibility list. Can I still attend the IMPART program?
- Do I need to be a practicing counsellor to attend the IMPART program?
- Can I sign up for individual workshops or am I expected to register for the whole program of IMPART?
- Is the IMPART program enough for me to qualify as a counselor?
- How is the IMPART program different from the other counseling programs out there?
- What is psychotherapy and how is it different from counseling?
- Who is the facilitator at IMPART program?
- Is IMPART program recognised by any Board? Will I be eligible to obtain license to practice of psychotherapy based solely on this course?
- What were the experiences like for the participants of the previous batch of IMPART?
The IMPART program is for 6 months. The entire course is divided into 5 workshops coupled with continuous online activity and small group meetings for practice.
You do not need a background in psychology or any other just to do this course. If you are interested in gaining self-awareness and also learning a little bit of psychology, you can definitely benefit from this course. However, if you are planning to pursue a career in counseling, then you need to possess at least a Diploma in counseling or Bachelor’s in psychology to gain the maximum benefit out of IMPART program.
No, you do not need to be a practicing counselor in order to do IMPART program. However, a background in counseling can help you gain a lot. The course is designed in such a way that you can understand the therapeutic process as applied to yourself and people you interact with.
You are welcome to sign up for individual workshops or register for the whole program depending on your requirements
No, the IMPART program is not enough to qualify you as a counselor. This is essentially designed to upgrade the skills of a practicing counselor. In order to qualify, you need to obtain a Master’s degree in counseling or psychology, or carry a certificate that qualifies you to practice under supervision. However, you can do all that after completing the IMPART program too.
Unlike most other programs out there the IMPART program involves acquiring the essence of psychotherapeutic techniques from all major schools of psychotherapy. Through this you can prepare yourself to handle roadblocks in counseling situations, dig deeper into the client’s issues and help them achieve a breakthrough. The theory behind the techniques will give you confidence to develop your own methodology and modify it skillfully depending on the client and the problem presented. In other words, IMPART takes counseling to the next level.
Psychotherapy is a process of interpersonal treatment that helps a person to take control of his life and learn coping skills with the help of a compassionate therapist. The work of a psychotherapist is both challenging and rewarding because both the client and the therapist work hard to achieve breakthroughs for the client. It is similar to counseling in the sense that the therapist actively listens and is compassionate and accepting of the client, regardless of the problem presented. It is different from counseling in the sense that the therapist also actively participates in developing strategies along with the client that work best for them to help them solve the crisis/problem that they are facing. Psychotherapy arms the therapist with tools and techniques and well-researched theories that can be creatively applied to the problem/crisis of the client. Psychotherapy also informs the therapist about the different ways of dealing with roadblocks such as resistance and therapeutic impasse.
The facilitator is Dr. Vinod Chebbi, BSc, MBBS, MS, F-CSEPI. He is a sex therapist, couples therapist and psychotherapist, and is the founder-director of Medisex Foundation, Bangalore.
Dr. Chebbi has a wide array of experience having worked in the field of medicine for a long time before stepping into the world of psychotherapy. The unconventional route that he has chosen has taught him a lot about what people look for in a therapist and what is and is not helpful for clients. He passionately believes that building therapeutic alliance should be the priority in any therapeutic session and is more important than any technique.
Dr. Chebbi has been receiving training from the leading experts in Psychotherapy and Couples Therapy all over the world for several years. He has done courses including the Couples Therapy course by Ellyn Bader and Peter Pearson of The Couples Institute, Menlo Park, CA. He continues to attend conferences and workshops to keep in touch with the latest trends and research.
Dr. Chebbi has been a practicing sexologist for more than two decades. His special interest lies in clients having unconsummated marriages involving sexual desire disorder, vaginismus and intimacy issues.
Dr. Chebbi is known for conducting workshops on couples therapy, sex therapy and psychotherapy at national and international conferences. He loves to train young therapists and finds working with them highly satisfying. He is warm and friendly; he deeply loves the process of getting to know a person, whether in a therapeutic set up or outside.
IMPART is neither recognised by nor is affiliated to any Board. It is meant to be a program exclusively to study the practical aspects of psychotherapy. Theory is not covered here in great detail, and therefore the individuals who have already obtained a theoretical framework during their Bachelors and Masters in Psychology but face difficulty in practice due to lack of opportunity to obtain practical aspects of therapy will be benefited. IMPART is meant for professionals who intend to practice and those who are already in practice and are looking to upgrade their practical skills.
The experiences of the participants of the previous IMPART were wide and varied. To know them, read further.
Ramya Sastry
After having spent a few years in Psychological Research in the US, I decided that my future was in psychotherapy. I wanted to get trained in India which is why I left my research job in the US and moved back. I am really happy that this workshop is giving me the standards that I am used to and the depth of training that I expected! I am looking forward to all the future IMPART workshops!
Dr Venkat Reddy, PhD (Psy)
(WS1: Basic Therapy, Metaphor Therapy, PCT) was an eye opener! In the very first session (Plato’s Cave) I was made to understand how the reality of the client is misunderstood by the therapist. In sharing the experience there was great learning. Observing the of eye movement, yield theory, analysis of content-intent-feeling etc were presented with full of meaningful learning activities. The session by Ali Khwaja on PCT was one of the best I have attended. Metaphor Therapy by Dr VC was so enriching. Thank you very much for a very meaningful and highly useful workshop!
Dr Rema Madhava, PhD (Psy)
(Behaviour Therapy) Role plays helped a lot� It was worth spending the two days� Continuing in the study group helped me to become more confident and learn new things about various therapies. Relaxation exercise by Dr VR Satish gave me lots of energy, and my sleep has improved qualitatively since then. Even today my body feels relaxed…Thanks!
Sathyavathi G
Gestalt Therapy (GT), which requires a therapist to be authentic � that is, being true to self � attracted me � like cleansing oneself to become a better human being. In the short span Dr VC was able to impart the knowledge about GT very well. Hats off to him!!!
Bharath VN
(TA, Redecision Therapy) workshop was not only a great learning experience but it has completely changed the way I perceive peoples’ behavior. Now, I can help them instead of getting irritated. I am a more humble person now!! Thanks a lot to Dr VC for imparting this skill in us. And thanks to the volunteer-participants for helping us to learn this more effectively!
Venkatesh HA, MSCP
Earlier, I used to fear almost all spheres of life. After volunteering as a client during the TA workshop my behaviour has changed completely. Now I am nourishing the Child within, enjoying the happiness of being with this Child by feeling free� I’m becoming aware my games: I’ve stopped playing my favourite role as victim. Thanks to Dr VC for releasing me from captivity!
Sathyavathi G, MSCP
(Psychodynamic, Projective and Ego State Therapies) I felt indeed that among all the therapies taught so far, this Ego State Therapy is quite powerful since it involves the unconscious � the part we are unaware of. The way Dr VC took the sessions forward, I felt nothing would remain unanswered/unsolved once it comes into his hands � that is the confidence I have on his therapeutic skills!
Venkatesh HA
(Psychodrama, Sociometry and Experiential Group Therapy) Amazing!! I discovered that emotions greatly influence our life � they are the only ones that matter irrespective of what happens in reality, and with positive emotions our life becomes a gift full of happiness. Until I enacted I had not known what I wanted till I got at the end of my role. It also helped me know what is creating obstacle in my path, and how to overcome it. Director Dr VC carried out my therapy so very effectively! I realize that the group has great strength from which we can draw to improve.
Padmashree KS, MSCP
Recently while introducing myself to a person, I said I’m a counsellor and a psychotherapist. These workshops have given the knowledge and confidence to say so! I would like to share the credit with all my friends who are the part of these workshops and the YOGI of psychotherapy Dr VC.
Dr Venkat Reddy
Dear Dr VC, Psychodrama workshop held by you was very, very marvelous. The outpouring of emotions by the protagonists was so amazing! The relief they had was so pleasing! I am really dumbstruck and full of awe towards you Sir. My highest sense of gratitude towards you. A glorious workshop!
Ramya Sastry
I am still amazed at how enacting our problems, instead of sharing or talking about them, can be so therapeutic! I am so inspired by what I experienced at this workshop that I am making plans to get additional training in theatre to gain a deeper understanding about what is it about expression that is so therapeutic. I did some of the background work on this workshop but I had no idea that it would turn out the way it did. Dr VC has opened up an entire new avenue for me. Thank you, Sir!
Shalini Rao
Although this (Psychodrama) was my first workshop, I warmed up to the group quite quickly. I guess that’s the power of a therapeutic atmosphere�where every member is open to each other, to help and to receive help. I am thankful to each one of you for opening up such deep parts of you, and for showing me a way to heal myself as well!
Mary John (Name Changed), MSCP
Through volunteering to participate in the psychodrama workshop I have come out of my painful emotions that I had been harbouring in me and impacting me for some 15 long years. Now I’m feeling free! I’ve learnt to deal with such emotions in future too. Grateful thanks to Dr VC and EVERYONE for their support and while I was pouring out my emotions!
Sathyavathi G, MSCP
On the 1st day (of Psychodrama) I didn’t feel anything remarkable wrt emotions or therapy. In fact, I was worried of Mary’s (name changed) wounds left open without closure, and the agony she would be facing. On the 2nd day when Dr VC invited her onto the stage and me to assist her, I carefully withheld my emotions from showing. But then the MIRACLE happened Mary started smiling satisfactorily! Then the humane in me was evoked and my emotions started pouring the emotions of joy and success satisfaction for all the participants who shared their stories happiness of everyone pride for Dr VC the emotions of togetherness, trust and intimacy of the group myself becoming aware of all this all flushed thro’ me. It is a unique experience! Indeed a heart touching Psychodrama!!
Venkatesh HA, MSCP
(WS9: Brief Therapy, Creative Therapy, and Developing Eclectic Approach) I proved to myself that I can do counseling and psychotherapy!
Prakash N
I attended only TA and Brief Therapy workshops, and both were very good. I know I have missed a lot! Dr VC’s methodology of putting the questions to the client to reduce the resistance was superb! These two areas are very vital to counselling and therapy.
Sathyavathi G, MSCP
Initially I didn’t have any intention to attend all of them. However, the group members’ interaction, involvement, commitment, socialization etc. attracted me. To top of all, Dr VC’s methodology was simply superb. They were not only practical oriented, but they opened up the ways for any unresolved issues, which would be discussed in the classes. It boosted our confidence immensely. The workshops clearly demarcate between counseling and therapy, and how therapy could be used when we get stuck in counseling. I can proudly vouch the IMPART as a very beneficial, practical oriented for anyone who wants to really make a career out of this. I will not miss any future workshops by him!