Consider these following situations:
- A young man sitting in front of you firmly believes that he has lost all his semen because of masturbation and is incapable of satisfying a woman sexually. Your best efforts fail to convince him otherwise
- A man, married for two years, suffers from premature ejaculation and is never able to have sex successfully. His wife is disappointed in him. You have difficulty in understanding how to help the couple.
- A man who is able to have healthy erection isn’t able to maintain it throughout the intercourse.
- A 28-year-old male is refusing to marry, and his relatives have brought him to you. You discover that he is gay. If he announces his sexual orientation he believes that all hell will break loose.
- A couple is married for some two years, and have not been able to consummate the marriage because one of them has difficulty in getting aroused, and is reluctant to have sex.
- A woman is married to a man whom she has been in love with, and has extreme fear of sex because she believes it will cause pain and bleeding.
- A man is not able to satisfy his wife sexually and he fears that she may seek sex outside marriage.
- Another woman complains that her husband dresses like a woman which she finds revolting in bed.
Such challenges may painfully remind you of your professional inadequacy. How you wish you had some specialized training in dealing with them.
These are some reasons why Dr. Vinod Chebbi, sexologist, couples therapist and psychotherapist, is offering this workshop, Hands-On Sex Therapy Training Workshop, HOST in short, in order to impart the art of practical sex therapy for the first time in India.
The HOST workshops have been structured into three levels depending upon the difficulty and complexity. Presently, Dr. Vinod Chebbi is hosting the HOST Level – 1 workshop.
The HOST Level – 1 workshop is designed to train the participants in how to be comfortable in dealing with sexual problems and apply practical sex therapy to males, females and couples at primary level. The syllabus consists of the following:
Sex and sexuality; sexuality education, child sex abuse;
Sexual problems and dysfunctions arising out of myths and misconceptions, clinical conditions and over-expectations. The common clinical conditions associated with sexual arousal, performance, orgasm, satisfaction and pain are going to be covered. In addition, relational aspects of sex therapy will be dealt with at a primary level.
Sexual problems will be examined through the lens of the newer models, the Quantum model of David Schnarch and Basson’s non-linear model of female Sexual response, and the sex therapy using P-LI-SS-IT model, and psychotherapeutic techniques will be demonstrated. Basic pharmacotherapy, use of sex toys, and legal and ethical aspects of sex therapy will be touched upon.
The highlights of the HOST Level – 1 Workshop: understanding the person behind the problem, developing therapeutic relationship, using a non-medical model of sex therapy, developing skills of counselling, applying psychotherapeutic knowledge in sex therapy, and counselling for the sexual minority groups – all in practical ways.
Teaching Method
The method at the HOST Level – 1 will be entirely practical, didactic and involves demonstration of techniques, PowerPoint presentation, brain storming, discussion, enactment, role play and practicing the skills in small work groups. Actual case demo is done whenever a suitable client is available. Two special activities devised by Dr. Vinod Chebbi, The Case Flow Presentation Quiz (a step-by-step unfolding of a case and challenging the participants to contribute at each step), and, The Musical Chair Session (Each participant taking their turns in interviewing the same client).
The participants are encouraged to bring their own cases for discussion.
The language of the at HOST Level One workshop will be English.
A certificate of participation will be provided to those who have completely and successfully participated in the workshop.
After the HOST Level – 1 workshop the participants will be able to learn:
- How to distinguish between the various shades of normalcy in practice of sexuality among the general population;
- How to impart sexuality education at a primary level to teachers, children and others;
- How to effectively apply nonmedical model while providing sex therapy;
- How to use the psychotherapeutic techniques in sexual difficulties.
- What to do when pharmacotherapy does not work;
- How to create a therapeutic relationship with client to enhance the effectiveness of therapy;
- How to utilize the interpersonal relationship in dealing with sexual difficulties in a couple;
The HOST is a professional course meant for training exclusively the psychologists, psychotherapists, counsellors, family therapists, psychiatrists, social workers, mental and family health professionals, physicians and paramedical professionals who wish to pursue sex therapy as part of their career. Students and trainees in these fields are also eligible.
Highlights of Hands-On Sex Therapy Training (HOST) Level – 1 Workshop
- One of its kind in India
- Most practically oriented training prog.
- Coaching done by expert faculty
- Psychosexual aspects focused
- Promotes client-therapist relationship
- Participants’ cases are welcome for discussion.